Saturday, March 2, 2019

God-Haunted Egypt

Haunt, haunted... def. a spirit that haunts a place or a person, regularly appears in a place, a place visited often, to recur to the memory, thoughts...

For me, as an author of Egypt fiction, Egypt is haunted... by eternity, by the gods... and yes, a god.
Joseph, Moses, Exodus...

Do we have to take the Bible as 'gospel'?

By that I mean are we required to believe literally in Genesis and the 7 days of creation? 
In the story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale? 
In Noah’s ark filled with two of every kind of animal (including the South American three-toed sloth and the Australian platypus?).

It is the total effect of scripture that works on us - literal truths as well as beautiful, often shocking metaphor.

It is not a dry record. It is a divine haunting.

We can read it for its truths, yes, but also for the power it has, the stirrings it awakens in us to reach beyond ourselves.

-->What haunts you? -->