Sunday, December 28, 2014

Break out a copy of 'THE IBIS APOCALYPSE'. The fate of the world set in stone...


Third in the series of Egyptology adventure mystery thrillers after 'The Smiting Texts' and 'The Hathor Holocaust'...

Was Egypt's magical Book of Thoth originally carved in stone - on a stela - rather than written on a scroll?

Anson Hunter, controversial alternative Egyptologist and theorist, is obsessed with locating the forbidden Stela of Destiny before the wrong people get hold of it.

The Stela, or stone book, of Thoth, Egypt's god of magic, is the most powerful and malefic source of esoteric texts ever written. The texts bring frightening power but also a terrible backlash. Twice in history the contents have come to light - the first time in the reign of Rameses the Great, linked with the Plagues of Egypt and the suffering of the Hebrews, and in 1939 when a German Egyptologist took rubbings of the stone texts to Hitler's Germany before the horrors of World War II.

Israeli Intelligence and its allies in the USA become alarmed when the Destiny Stela threatens to break into history once again. As they are all too aware, the Stela of Destiny is the Holy Grail for organisations and conspirators with dangerous political and religious agendas, both in the USA and in Europe.

Anson embarks on an investigation under the cover of shooting a screen documentary, pursued by enemies and shadowed by striking Israeli Mossad agent Zara Margolin and suspicious Egyptian authorities, in a hunt that covers USA, UK and secret archaeological sites in Egypt.

Can he find and penetrate the deadly series of chambers of the Sanctuary of Thoth that guards the Stela of Destiny before a dangerous new dawn breaks for humankind?

'The Ibis Apocalypse' is a danger-fraught adventure that unfolds against the background of ancient Egypt's enthralling legend and mythology.

"Grab a copy of 'The Forbidden Glyphs'''... Egypt-based fiction

From the Anson Hunter fiction series

Egypt’s Lost Library of secrets and technology. Trigger for a dangerous new age.

Imagine a cache of glyphs of unthinkable power.

Renegade Egyptologist Anson Hunter does. In fact he has a controversial theory that somewhere in Egypt lies the Lost Library of Thoth, guarded by his consort the goddess Seshat.

In legend, this library contained all the forbidden knowledge of ancient Egypt, both human and divine, including secrets of lost technology that built the pyramids.

Anson’s theory throws him into conflict with international seekers who have dangerous agendas for the world.

To save a loved one, Anson Hunter must seek the forbidden glyphs in an ingenious lost sanctuary guarded by traps set by the calculating goddess Seshat.

Monday, December 22, 2014

They were on the eastern side of the pyramid sprinting alongside the heb sed court...

'The God Dig' - Amazon Kindle fiction


He grabbed the girl’s hand and broke into a zigzag run, tugging her after him.

They were on the eastern side of the pyramid sprinting alongside the heb sed court.

A dark irony, he thought.

The heb sed court was a ceremonial running course that by tradition the reigning pharaoh had to complete at a Jubilee held every thirty years in order to prove his agility and his continued fitness for office. In an earlier epoch, failure to complete the run successfully saw the old king murdered.

Now they were running a circuit of survival too, not around a course with pre-set stone markers, but around the world’s first stone pyramid, a protest against death and a monumental stake in the sand for the belief in an eternal afterlife.

He flicked a glance at the girl he’d only met minutes earlier.

Her dark hair was flying and the anger in her face said: ‘it’s happening again…’

Persephone. Named after the daughter of Zeus and the Greek queen of the underworld by her Greek-Egyptian father.

“Per-seph-o-ne.” He’d toyed with the syllables of her name on hearing it. 

She came as a complete surprise. He had no idea that the Alexandrian scholar had a daughter and assistant researcher. 

Hit the ground running - The God Dig - on Amazon Kindle


Saturday, December 20, 2014

Can a rogue Egyptologist - and Homeland Security - save America?

The start of a 7 book series

A clash of superpowers - ancient Egypt and modern America. Kindle and paperback.

Race to reveal ancient Egypt's Stela of Thoth, the world's fate written in stone...The Ibis Apocalypse

Amazon fiction - Kindle and paperback

The Anson Hunter series - fiction's renegade independent Egyptologist

Hunt for ancient Egypt's explosive lost library of secrets. Trigger for a dangerous new age


Osiris, Seth, Isis... modern day London. The Egyptian Mythology Murders


A female mummy from ancient Egypt lay outstretched inside a hospital scanning machine.

The British Museum had brought the mummy to St. Thomas’ Hospital for a non-invasive examination of the body beneath its wrappings.

“We’ll begin by doing the head and neck in two millimetre slices. I’m just relieved that nobody will have to give this patient the bad news that she’s terminal.”

The radiologist had made the joke to bridge the jarring disconnect between ancient death, wrapped up in magical spells, and the modern day machinery of medical imaging. 

The radiation scan - at a dose lethal for the living - blasted through the linen windings. It was like a penetration of sunlight warming the bones after the ache of the desert night.

The machine hummed. A spinning cylinder curved around the mummy’s head like a night sky arching over Egypt.

The sand-dry cells of the body, spread out in an undulating landscape on the CT tray, stirred in a sudden breath.

Life! Resurgent life! It eddied, thickened, mounted in force, blowing, gusting, then blasting through the mummy like a desert sand storm.

Friday, December 19, 2014

After thousands of years, did she walk the earth again? "The Egyptian Mythology Murders" Fiction

Available on Amazon Kindle

A female mummy is taken to a hospital for a non-invasive imaging scan… so begins a mystery and a string of deaths.

An ancient cycle unfolds in modern day London - and a search for eternal love.

Can a young trainee museum curator and a police antiquities unit detective stop the killings in time before a terrible culmination of events? 

"The Egyptian Mythology Murders" 

Ancient Egypt... a concept that gives the fiction reader permission to believe...

Suspense, mystery - on Amazon Kindle

Thursday, December 18, 2014

'Oak trees in a park curled up like papyrus scrolls, archaeological spoil heaps of rust, yellow and brown'

Dead leaves, yet they crackled like scrolls of power for the walking Egyptologist

As he walked back to his hotel from the British Museum, he felt a sense of exposure. Currents, people and events swirled around him like the cold London air, crowding his world.
Fallen leaves from oak trees in a park cluttered the pavement, curled up like papyrus scrolls, archaeological spoil heaps of rust, yellow and brown. For a moment, his sneakers vanished under this detritus of time and the seasons. Dead leaves, yet they crackled like scrolls of power.
The pavement narrowed, the black railings of the park pushing him closer to the street and the passing traffic, rattling black London cabs and rumbling, red double decker buses that looked as if they were about to overbalance. A gust from a passing bus scattered leaves.
What was it that drove him?
A desire to save the world?
He recalled the same question put to him by the Egyptian man and the antiquities girl.
Aren’t you afraid you’ll trigger an apocalypse?
Was it simply a hunger to feel the crackle of the numinous, to find the great source of Egypt’s power heka?
Heka was the power behind the civilisation of Egypt, behind every idol, every execration text and smashed jar, every sweating wax effigy in the flame, every stabbed, trampled and spat upon image, every prayer to a god, every amulet and love spell.
He certainly did not want power for himself, only perhaps the power that could come from knowing that such power existed, because if that power existed and could be held in his hands, then so did another power.
Where there was shadow, there had also to be the light.
Yet there could be another reason, one that he had enough honesty and self-knowledge to recognise - a hunger for acceptance, sparked by an Egyptologist father who had abandoned him as a child. It would be sweet to shake up the profession and topple their ivory tower.
Maybe a combination of all of these impulses.
In the end, though, would it be worth taking the risk?
Why did he imagine that he could encounter and experience such terrifying psychological and existential danger and remain immune to its effects?
And how did he think he was going to avoid the consequences for the region and the world that others feared?
He crossed a street and had the distinct feeling in the nape of his neck that somebody was watching him. Was he being followed?
The Egyptian? The antiquities girl?

Was I walking into a trap? Normally the Egyptian galleries echoed like a big cathedral at prayer time, but today things were quieter.

A cross-over young novel for all ages

Chapter 1

“Ready to be scared stupid, Boyd?” my grandfather said. Grumpy and I loved to play games in the Egyptian galleries of the museum.
   But games weren’t the real reason why I took him to the museum almost every afternoon after school.
   We were here to dig up his memories. You see, my grandfather’s memory was crumbling like the ruins of ancient Egypt and we were here on an archaeological dig to recover the lost treasures of his mind.
   He had once been a famous Egyptologist but now he had forgotten more about ancient Egypt than I would ever learn, although he still knew an amazing amount of weird stuff.
   Playing ‘Tomb Traps and Treasures’ was our version of hide-and-seek in the Egyptian galleries. It could be scary and great fun, providing the museum staff didn’t spot us.
   I tiptoed up to a pair of seated stone pharaohs who guarded the entrance to the main hall. They looked quite stony-faced about our game.
   Regally composed in shiny black granite, their expression seemed to say: ‘tread carefully.’
   I took the warning and slowed. Was I walking into a trap?
   Normally the Egyptian galleries echoed like a big cathedral at prayer time, but today things were quieter. Looking down the hall, I could see just one clump of people near the back, inspecting a colossal pharaoh’s head.
   I held my breath, edged through the gap between the throned figures, swung my head left and then right.
    Empty spaces yawned at me. Relief.
   I started to let out a sigh, but then from behind a red granite lion, a third pharaoh shot out.
   “Got you!”
   The echoes of my grandfather’s laughter rattled among the relics.
   I let out a sharp yell of surprise. He had smuggled in a striped towel in his motorised wheelchair and wrapped it around his head to look like a pharaoh’s nemes headcloth.
    He’d frightened me stupid once again.
   Grumpy zipped away in his wheelchair. He shot down the length of the hall, scattering visitors at the far end like a bowling ball striking skittles.
   I hurried after him.
   “Sorry,” I said to the alarmed clump of people, a tour group of senior citizens. In a whisper, I said to him: “Grumpy, be careful.”
   Among the many things he had forgotten were the rules of the road. Grumpy was an expert at rolling over toes.


Monday, December 15, 2014

WARNING "OPEN THIS BOOK and you will possess the powers of earth, sky, and the gods themselves..." Fiction, 'The Ibis Apocalypse'


Egypt's forbidden power...
The fate of the world written in stone.

Third in the series of Egyptology adventure mystery thrillers after 'The Smiting Texts' and 'The Hathor Holocaust'...

Was Egypt's magical Book of Thoth originally carved in stone - on a stela - rather than written on a scroll?

Anson Hunter, controversial alternative Egyptologist and theorist, is obsessed with locating the forbidden Stela of Destiny before the wrong people get hold of it.

The Stela, or stone book, of Thoth, Egypt's god of magic, is the most powerful and malefic source of esoteric texts ever written. The texts bring frightening power but also a terrible backlash. Twice in history the contents have come to light - the first time in the reign of Rameses the Great, linked with the Plagues of Egypt and the suffering of the Hebrews, and in 1939 when a German Egyptologist took rubbings of the stone texts to Hitler's Germany before the horrors of World War II.

Israeli Intelligence and its allies in the USA become alarmed when the Destiny Stela threatens to break into history once again. As they are all too aware, the Stela of Destiny is the Holy Grail for organisations and conspirators with dangerous political and religious agendas, both in the USA and in Europe.

Anson embarks on an investigation under the cover of shooting a screen documentary, pursued by enemies and shadowed by striking Israeli Mossad agent Zara Margolin and suspicious Egyptian authorities, in a hunt that covers USA, UK and secret archaeological sites in Egypt.

Can he find and penetrate the deadly series of chambers of the Sanctuary of Thoth that guards the Stela of Destiny before a dangerous new dawn breaks for humankind?

'The Ibis Apocalypse' is a danger-fraught adventure that unfolds against the background of ancient Egypt's enthralling legend and mythology.

Amazon Kindle and paperback

Dig, Delve & Discover ancient Egypt fiction series using your iPad, e-book reader or smartphone

Range available on Amazon Kindle

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Do you enjoy fiction inspired by ancient civilizations?

Anyone who has ever queued up for hours and stood spellbound at an exhibition of Tutankhamun’s Treasures...

Anyone who has ever wandered around temples, tombs, pyramids and the Sphinx, dazzled by their power as much as by the Egyptian sun…

Anyone who has ever dreamed of being an archaeologist… or has actually become one...
Anyone who has ever felt the tingle of standing in front of ancient mummies wrapped in magical spells, mystery and myths…
Anyone who has ever wondered, even for a moment, about unseen dangers from the ancient past…
Anyone who has ever been fascinated by ancient Egypt as a child…

Anyone who has ever longed to experience Egypt’s archaeological sites today…

If you’ve ever wanted to escape into an enthralling world of adventure, mystery, dangers, conspiracy and startling discovery…

Friday, December 12, 2014

Ancient Egyptian religion clashes with modern beliefs in my fiction

Were Egypt's gods and goddesses the ancient superheroes?

There is a roll call of Egypt's gods and goddesses in my adventure fiction - including Sobek, Heka, Seshat, Ra, Hathor, Ptah, Horus, Thoth, Osiris, Nut, Anubis and more.
But who were these enigmatic beings? 

Were they the ancient world's original 'Marvel' superheroes? (Perhaps the young hawk-god Horus, avenging the murder of his father Osiris, was the archetype of the costumed superheroes in 'The Avengers' movie and others.)

The Palermo Stone - a recorded Canon of Kings - and other testaments of the ancient Egyptians speak of divine beings and demigods who ruled Egypt for thousands of years before the first human kings, beginning with Menes, also known as Narmer.
A character asks in The Smiting Texts:
“And these gods, represented by idols - who do you think they were in the cosmological scheme?”
The Coptic priest shrugged. “I do not profess to know where they fit into creation. I often wonder. Were they the fallen Elohim? God’s fallen council? Intriguingly, Genesis mentions early sons of god who walked the earth: Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose. There were giants on the earth in those days, the Bible relates, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.

 Dangers from the ancient past in the Egypt fiction collection

Monday, December 8, 2014

(update) “It’s quite clear what’s happened here,” the Metropolitan Police Antiques and Arts man said. ('The Egyptian Mythology Murders')

Available on Amazon Kindle

“It’s quite clear what’s happened here,” the Metropolitan Police Antiques and Arts man said, without taking his eyes off Jennefer. “You send a mummy called Isis out to a public hospital for a mummygram and they shoot her through with jolts of radiation. This exposure to radiation has an effect you never expected. But maybe you should have. Her name should have been a clue. Isis. Maybe this is not just any Isis. It isn’t. It’s the Isis. Yes, I know, Isis was a goddess and most people think of gods and goddesses as immortals, but we know better. Egyptian gods and goddesses had a shelf life too. All things die, every man, every woman, every god, every goddess… so the writings tell us. Everything died, except the high god. And, as we know, don’t we, the writings also mention a tomb of Isis in Lower Egypt. As luck would have it, tomb raiders in revolutionary Egypt find her tomb and dig her up and she ends up here in London. But now you’ve gone and kick-started her back into life and she has checked herself out of the hospital and is now on the loose somewhere and on a rampage… killing anyone who gets in her way with her scorpion poison. Yes, scorpion venom, that’s right. Toxicology reports have confirmed it. And as we also know, Isis customarily called upon the protective power of the scorpion and in fact went on her journeys with seven scorpions in her entourage. We also know that Isis came to take over the attributes and iconography of all goddess, including Selkhet The Scorpion goddess, as is reflected in her title of the Lady of The Thousand Names, which may explain why she was able to inject her three victims with enough venom to stop an ox.”

“You know quite a bit about Egyptian mythology for a policeman,” Jennefer said, resenting his levity. “And you obviously like to fantasize about it.”

“My useless passion working in Arts and Antiquities.”

“Thanks for your expert summation. That wraps things up nicely,” Sebastian, the British Museum's Curator, said without a smile. “We can put this whole problem to bed.”

The coffees arrived for Sebastian and Jennefer.

The Metropolitan man certainly did like to provoke and he was succeeding.

“You may think this is funny, but my sister is lying in a hospital bed in a coma,” Jennefer said.

“Don’t mind me," the Antiques policeman said. "I like to state the impossible, so that we can dispense with it and move on to the possible.”

Novel 1 in a series

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Who parted the Red Sea better? Ridley Scott's Exodus - or this Egypt fiction author?

I think I'll give it to Ridley

(Above, Moses facing the Red Sea, me on a visit to Wave Rock Australia)

I caught Ridley Scott's Exodus Gods and Kings in 3D at the first possible screening - a matinee at 12 noon yesterday.

Of course I can't resist this sort of thing.

Overall, well staged and dramatic - once I got past forgivable Hollywood lapses like putting princes on horseback. (Ancient Egyptian elite were averse to the indignity of sitting upon horses and kept their horses for drawing chariots.)

The character who sticks in my mind most, oddly, was Ben Mendehlson as a viceroy as twisted as a snake, a smaller role but a memorable one.

Fiction to ignite your love of ancient Egypt...

Start here today... on Amazon Kindle and paperback