Friday, July 8, 2011

EERIE EGYPT – the 'tingle' that inspires my ancient Egyptian adventure writing

The relics of ancient Egypt possess a magical frisson. 

You feel on the surfaces of your skin and on the back of your neck. 

Unmistakeable. That's because everything they turned their hands and minds to was inspired by, and invested with the  elemental force known as heka, or ancient Egyptian magic…

Here are some of my images of eerie Egypt that do it for me.

They have helped inspire my ancient Egyptian trilogy of adventure thrillers The Smiting Texts, The Hathocaust and The Ibis Apocalypse, and also my novella The Delta Dilemma.

Have a sample read for FREE on Amazon Kindle (or 'Look Inside' the paperbacks)  – I hope you too will experience that eerie tingle of ancient Egypt!