Saturday, May 26, 2012

Goodreads. "It had that Egyptian feel that I love! Amazing... Adventurous."

The Mummy’s Revenge now on Kindle


"This was a fun book to read. It was especially good seeing it had that Egyptian feel that I love! It was fun, it was amazing, it was adventurous! It's a definite must read in my mind!" - Noelle Walsh.

"Our library used to have a battered paperback copy of this book, and I loved it. That copy is, I'm pretty sure, gone now, and I'd forgotten the title, but I just looked it up online because I want to reread it. And it looks like there are sequels!" - Nic

Here are the Mummy sequels on Kindle (Roy Pond)

And for adult readers (Roy Lester Pond)

The Smiting Texts

"A really fun read, lots of romping through Egypt at various archaeological sites" - Kim Switzer