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My blogs on Egypt and Egypt adventure thriller fiction are so closely intertwined that the lines blur for me.
So much so, that in my investigative Egypt adventure series, the action is interspersed with blogs from my Egyptologist main character. (See The Smiting Texts, The Hathor Holocaust, The Ibis Apocalypse and The Anubis Intervention.)
In book number five, 'Egypt Eyes' I go a step further.
The story takes the form of a blog from my archaeologist's point of view and includes photos of Egyptian sites from the story.
As my alternative Egyptologist Anson Hunter says in the introduction:
'My blog is like an archaeological dig site. The
material of today lies on the surface and what lies hidden beneath is the past.
Editing has allowed me to reverse the dramatic order of this story and add the
benefits of evaluated experience. It has also allowed me to begin this account with
a prologue – the turning point discovery that I have been led by a young blind
woman into a conspiracy about the ancient past that could affect all of