Monday, November 5, 2012

Pharaoh smiting the enemy - esoteric warfare reactivated today?

Could hostile elements reactivate an ancient weapon?

“Egypt was the original Superpower,” Anson Hunter said. ‘Superpower designating not just what you are, but what you possess. And power they had – not just the military kind. Supranormal power. Smiting rituals and execration texts, expressed through pottery, papyrus, bone and architecture. Remote killing, you see, was a state instrument of power. Take this pharaoh here, Rameses the Great, giving a clutch of vile foreigners a headache by bashing in their craniums with a diorite mace. This was not just a piece of wishful propaganda, although it was certainly that too. No, it was a detonation. These were esoteric armaments, you see. Nobody doubted that, for hundreds of miles around, enemies of the state would weaken or simply be flattened, knocked down dead as if by an atomic blast..."
 From 'The Smiting Texts' - a clash of civilizations... ancient Egypt and modern America.