Thursday, December 13, 2012

Amarna. Darker side of Aten's City of The Sun

Amarna Art Collection, Neues Museum, Berlin

Irony - Amarna City of the Sun the origin of the Black Death?

Did these Intelligence people believe in his theories, and in his fears about the Sekhmet threat, or did they see it as a symbol that masked some other ‘real world’ danger? Plagues perhaps. 
Anson had speculated in the past about plagues and Egypt. Archaeological evidence linked the origin of the Black Death, or bubonic plague, to a specific site in ancient Egypt, the workers’ village in Amarna, home of those who built tombs for pharaohs Akhenaten and, later, Tutankhamun. Pharaoh’s Plague, he’d noted, could rage through populations, then lie as dormant as a mummy sleeping in a tomb, sometimes for centuries, before emerging to wreak havoc once again and that if bottled, especially in its pneumonic form, it would make a dandy bio-terrorist weapon.