The neteru or gods of ancient Egypt |
you read this work, you will behold and possess the powers of the earth, the
sky, the waters, the infernal regions of the abyss - the underworld, that is -
the mountains, beasts, birds, creatures, reptiles, the fishes of the darkest
sea, as well as the magical powers of the gods of Egypt themselves...
“In short, you would be established on
high in this world and, in the Egyptians’ words, have the ability to work great
wonders. It’s my belief that this forbidden Stela not only exists but its
contents have resurfaced at several stages in history, all convulsive periods.
I am convinced that they may be re-appearing in our time, judging by the
current state of the planet.”
He let that sink in.
“The individuals who
found the book surged in worldly power and achieved astounding success. For a
time. But there was a catastrophic catch… their fortunes followed a sharp
trajectory. In the end disaster struck them..."Excerpt from the Egypt archaeological adventure series - featuring the independent Egyptologist and theorist, Anson Hunter.