Saturday, January 5, 2013

Positive words about dangerous Egyptian Texts - Egypt fiction

Ancient Egypt vs Modern America. No 1 in series

"I read the Smiting Texts and really enjoyed it." Beket Aten

'A really fun read, lots of romping through Egypt at various archaeological sites.'

'A delightful investigative novel, which takes the reader into a labyrinth of conspiracy theories and government cover-ups.

The thriller takes off with a murder of an Egyptologist, dragging in his son and the US Department of Homeland Security.
The renegade archaeologist son, Anson Hunter, is then joined by a Coptic Egyptian girl and the US intelligence team on a roller coaster ride through Egypt followed by radical elements and local authorities.
Hints of a secret which should shake the foundations of major world religions makes it a hard to put down book and draws on the author’s vast knowledge of his favourite subject,'
L. Machado

'An intellect's version of The Mummy...
 If you like the ruminations of an obsessive and have a particular penchant for Egyptology, Roy Lester Pond provides a sumptuous feast on which to devour multiple strands of Egypt's ancient past and potential future.
Initially set out as an ambiguous investigation by the US Homeland Security into a possible terrorist threat culminating in the recent murder of controversial Egyptologist, Anson Hunter's father - the plot is interspersed with a tale of ancient Egypt. An ancient hunter's fate to recapture the Goddess of devastation and entomb himself with her in order to save Egypt is particularly beautiful and lifts the overall book beyond the normal conspiratorial-action-thriller.

An Indiana Joneseque ending, but otherwise a wonderfully clever and original story.'
-        “The Truth About Books”, UK

 'What a great book. This deserves a far wider audience than the Egyptology community!'
Egypt Then and Now