I have just been asked to review 'Travels in Elysium', am archaeology adventure by UK author William Azuski.
Unfortunately I'm up to my ears in archaeological intrigue with next book, so I could only offer this Kindle 'Look inside' review:
"Can just a LOOK INSIDE sample tell all?
I am presently locked in mortal composition with my next novel, so I dare not break off to read and review a complete book.
However, I did take time out to "Look Inside" William's book 'Travels in Elysium' on Amazon Kindle (as I recommend other adventure lovers to do) and I can report that the sample I read has goaded me into new efforts in my own writing.
William has beautiful words in him and an enviable sense of atmosphere. Barely a lazy sentence. A pleasure to savour.
His rankings on Amazon should be vastly higher than they are and I wish him the success he plainly deserves.
I can at least award his novel's opening five stars!"
Can you judge a book by its sample?
(I invite you to look my Anson Hunter Egyptian archaeology adventure series, beginning with The Smiting Texts)
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