Saturday, June 14, 2014

Philae Temple, Egypt, one of my favourite dreaming places as a fiction writer...

A temple to both the goddess Isis and Hathor, it was the last place in Egypt to worship the goddesses, before the inundation of Christianity swept it away. A sad affair. In the third century after the common era, Christian Rome clamped down and zealots turned on the old religion, smashing images and shrines of the pagan past. They did a good job. Christians destroyed the Temple of Serapis in one or two riotous fits during the reign of the Christian Roman Emperor Theophilus. Christians defaced or destroyed countless ‘pagan’ buildings and statues during the reign of Theophilus.
Philae finally closed in AD 550, ending 4,000 years of worship of the pagan gods. Then it still had to face the rising tide of Lake Aswan and Islam.
The sun broke through the haze and stone pylons rose like sacred fortresses guarding the secrets of the old religion.