The Anson Hunter series - fiction's Egyptologist, who battles dangers from the ancient past as well as modern day conspiracies that take their impetus from ancient Egypt:-
The Smiting Texts
Hathor's Holocaust
The Ibis Apocalypse
The Night of Anubis Cruise
Egypt Eyes
The Forbidden Glyphs
The God Dig
Death in Egypt LIVE (New)
(Mythological thrillers - trilogy)
The Egyptian Mythology Murders
The Obelisk Prophecy
The Egyptian Crocodile Curse
Or stand-alone fiction such as
The Sarcophagus
I, The Mummy
The Ra Virus (text messages from eternity)
Cleopatra: Tomb of the Undead Queen
Dynasty Zero
Ancient Visitors: The Egypt Enigma...
Necropolis Sky Pyramid Osiris (New)
and more...