Thursday, October 27, 2016
SPACE PHARAOHS. Was the dead Egyptian pharaoh like a star traveller?
Was the burial and launch into the afterlife of a pharaoh the equivalent of a Mars expedition?
With a vast pyramid as a launch pad, the pharaoh's burial must have been like a nationally financed space shot to put the pharaoh among the eternal stars.
Little wonder that ancient Egypt is so intertwined in today's science and science fiction...
She loved finding secret little messages that Lucas tucked away for her to discover later... but this one ... in an ancient Egyptian tomb......
Anson Hunter - a conflicted archaeologist who warns about Egypt’s forbidden powers, yet seeks them out. Why? (Excerpt) What was it tha...
Conspiracies and hidden dangers Anson Hunter - a conflicted archaeologist who warns about Egypt’s forbidden powers, yet seeks them...
NEW RELEASE. 'THE MUMMY CYCLES' 1. THE MUMMY CHRONICLES Awakened after a thousand years in a tomb sanctuary filled with weapons....