Saturday, August 5, 2017

Heka, or ancient Egyptian magical curses... mysterious happenings to be considered as seriously as Jesus' cursing of the barren fig tree?

Curses have an esoteric and Christian history. Jesus cursed the barren fig tree (after which the disciples reported its withering the very next day). So what about the curses or execration texts of the ancient Egyptians and hidden dangers from the ancient past?
Atomic power of the ancients?
I investigate ancient Egyptian magic in my fiction - curses, execration texts and the like. (See 'The Smiting Texts')

My renegade archaeologist hero Anson Hunter, despite being a man who wrestles with a personal faith, addresses this mystery in reply to a question...
“So you believe heka has power to influence the real world?” she said.
“Can a certain sequence of words and actions, such as imitation, the replication of a name, image or mythical event produce an event in the real world? I believe there is an unseen connectedness between things and by tuning in to this network of likenesses you can attract like outcomes. The trick is to find that invisible skein and draw on it, hence the Egyptians’ use of puns, analogy, mimesis, acrostics, dualities and the like. These links are things beyond logic, like the dream realm where parallel sounds, symbols and stories, while seeming bizarre, hold an inner, often unseen connection with our lives.”
(See The Ibis Apocalypse - Amazon Kindle and paperback.)
Perhaps the only quasi-scientific acknowledgement of this hidden force today is the concept of synchronicity developed by Carl Jung.
Was heka the atomic power of the ancients?
It was certainly a state instrument of power and foreign policy used against enemy nations to destroy them in the form of ritualised execration texts or smiting spells. (See The Smiting Texts - Amazon Kindle and paperback).