Friday, April 27, 2018

The past is not dead - settled dust. Least of all ancient Egypt's

The unpredictability of the past

You cannot know what the past will do.

For me, as a writer of ancient Egypt-based fiction, the past is not dead and gone, not settled dust. It’s always changing, doing things.

The past will change in our view of it, it will change our view of now, and it will change our view of tomorrow.

It can and will surprise us.

The past is a dynamic always working on us, pushing forward like a wave. While the future by comparison is the blank space ahead of the wave, theoretical potentiality, inert and, in a sense, dead.

The past has a way of doing things that nobody can guess. We make a mistake to bury it.

What does the past do for you?

For fiction that "brings ancient Egypt compellingly to life"    
visit Roy Lester Pond fiction on AMAZON KINDLE