Thursday, January 10, 2019

"Thrilling Life-or-Death Reading..." or 'How to Read an Ancient Egyptian Coffin'

 British Museum
Were coffins books?
Possibly Egypt's most ancient book of all, the BOOK OF TWO WAYS was a cartographic book about the underworld written on the bases of Middle Kingdom Coffins.
There's nothing like lying back to read a good mystery adventure. 
And this one was a thrilling, life-or-death read that could determine your survival in the afterlife.
The Egyptians left nothing to chance.
Here are the 2 cthonic paths that wound their way through the darkness - illustrated on the base of a mummy's coffin.
(A kind of Ghostly Positioning System with maps already loaded.)

The twisting paths of the Egyptian underworld is a theme that I develop in much of my mystery adventure fiction, such as The Great Lost Labyrinth of ancient Egypt that features in "The Smiting Texts".

Mystery adventure reading at AMAZON KINDLE