Monday, June 22, 2020

Truthfully, what do you, and all Egyptologists, ACTUALLY LOVE ABOUT ancient Egypt?

Few Egyptologists can express in any satisfactory manner why they are smitten by ancient Egypt, yet almost all felt Egypt’s ‘Intimations of Immortality’ dawn on them while young.

What is it about Egypt above all other civilizations?

A noted British Egyptologist and writer, Dr Barbara Watterson, once confessed her puzzlement to me while on a River Nile cruise in Egypt: “I don’t know why I love this place. I have never cried over it, the way I did when I first set eyes on the Parthenon in Greece.”

I had just confessed to her that in spite of all my books “I’ve sometimes experienced a more powerful sense of ancient Egypt as a shaft of sunlight fell through a window onto the floor at home, than I’ve felt inside a temple in Egypt.

Explain that.

I love ancient Egypt’s temples...

Is it because ancient Egypt is also a ‘concept’ that so satisfies us - endlessly?

And yet...

The civilization of ancient Egypt gets deep hooks into people’s imaginations.

Young people’s, in particular.

They ‘get’ ancient Egypt.

But what is it they get?

After a talk I gave to schoolchildren about Egypt, one boy told me afterwards, with a beam on his face: “I was so HAPPY while you were talking about Egypt and mummies!”



I’ve written scores of novels over the years, trying to put a lens to that ‘something’ about the ancient Egypt I love.

I hope a few make you happy.