Thursday, September 30, 2021

‘Ancient Egypt emerges to send us text messages from eternity...’

From the blog of Anson Hunter, renegade Egyptologist, in The Smiting Texts 'And that’s part of the wonder of Egypt, things half-hidden or lost. There’s nothing more mysterious and beautiful than that line where a ruin of Egypt’s past rises from the conquering empire of sand, the horizon where an ancient world meets a modern one and graven glyphs emerge to send text messages from eternity. It’s the power of the partly veiled, like a barely risen - or set - sun on the horizon...'
If you enjoy revelations from the ancient past, begin the Egypt adventure thriller series here - The Smiting Texts, The Hathor Holocaust, The Ibis Apocalypse, The Anubis Intervention, Egypt Eyes, The Forbidden Glyphs and The God Dig. And now there's a novel that takes the power of text messages from the ancient past and brings it to life in a story about an archaeology team member trapped in the ancient past after he tumbles through a treacherous false door. He sends messages to his loved one today through the layers of time... warning clues from the past about a time of an ancient viral pestilence... See "THE RA VIRUS Text Messages from Eternity" on Amazon Kindle.

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