Sunday, February 13, 2022

Ancient Egypt resurrected... 3 Egyptian mythology-driven mystery thrillers set in the modern day, but with a twist of the ancient unknown.

A unique investigative team of Jennefer, a museum curator, and Jon a London antiquities detective - two very different people who work in 'kindred professions'... The X-Files meets 'The Mummy'... - THE EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY MURDERS A mummy named Isis is taken to a hospital for a non-invasive imaging scan… so begins a mystery and a string of deaths. An ancient cycle unfolds in modern day London - and a search for eternal love. Can Jennefer, a young trainee museum curator and Jon, a police antiquities unit detective, stop the killings in time before a terrible culmination of events? - THE OBELISK PROPHECY One Egyptian obelisk is the key to saving civilization - THE EGYPTIAN CROCODILE CURSE An Egypt exhibition, a series of mythological murders

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