Friday, May 3, 2024

"The God Dig" ... the ultimate dig in god-haunted Egypt. Adventure mystery thriller on Amazon

Haunt, haunted... def. a spirit that haunts a place or a person, regularly appears in a place, a place visited often, to recur to the memory, thoughts...

For me, as an author of Egypt fiction, Egypt is haunted... by eternity, by the gods... and yes, God.
Joseph, Moses, Exodus...

Do we have to take the Bible as 'gospel'?

By that I mean are we required to believe literally in Genesis and the 7 days of creation? 
In the story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale? 
In Noah’s ark filled with two of every kind of animal (including the South American three-toed sloth and the Australian platypus?).

It is the total effect of scripture that works on us - literal truths as well as beautiful, often shocking metaphor.

It is not a dry record. It is a divine haunting.

"The God Dig" A novel in the Anson Hunter series. Was there an ancient Egyptian afterlife conspiracy? When a friend and radical theorist is murdered, independent Egyptologist Anson Hunter is torn between wanting to discover the truth and dreading the answers. Was his friend right about a conspiracy to suppress an ancient secret and is the explosive evidence hidden somewhere in Egypt? Anson faces a convergence of hostile elements - emissaries of the three book-based religions, antiquity thieves, radical Islamists and former government officials as well as New World Order conspirators. A secret archaeology investigation in Egypt. A suppressed ancient secret that threatens the world’s stability and belief systems.

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