Mummy’s Revenge now on Kindle
"This was a fun book to read. It was especially good seeing
it had that Egyptian feel that I love! It was fun, it was amazing, it was
adventurous! It's a definite must read in my mind!" - Noelle Walsh.
"Our library used to have a battered paperback copy of this
book, and I loved it. That copy is, I'm pretty sure, gone now, and I'd
forgotten the title, but I just looked it up online because I want to reread
it. And it looks like there are sequels!" - Nic
Here are the Mummy sequels on Kindle (Roy Pond) |
And for adult readers (Roy Lester Pond)
The Smiting Texts
"A really fun read, lots of romping through Egypt at various
archaeological sites" - Kim Switzer