Monday, February 4, 2013

Ancient Egypt's power of smiting... and Tutankhamun

Smiting, curses and other inscriptional violence

Egyptologists claim there was no actual curse written in Tutankhamun’s tomb.

But they forget that the tomb doors were sealed with clay seals bearing the imprint of a seated jackal above nine prisoners – the magical barrier of the priests of the royal necropolis. To break a seal was a crime against god and invoked a terrible punishment.

The devil god Seth was cursed for breaking a seal. You have opened the secret chest which is in Heliopolis in order to see what was in it, even it had been sealed with the seal of the 77 deities...the sun god Re will smite you on your head, he will destroy your soul.  

Begin the Anson Hunter Egypt series with The Smiting Texts.