Saturday, February 2, 2013

What draws readers to ancient Egypt fiction...

Readers want an author, not just a book

I received an email from a newly published writer who  admired my Anson Hunter Egypt fiction series and asked my advice about promotion.

There are not too many secrets to the business of informing potential readers about your books, but here, in point form, are some simple things that work for me:-

- I find the best way to inform readers about my books is through a combination of blogs and tweets, using Twitter (Egyptsnippets) to attract readers to my blog.

- The blog site become in effect your store and showcase where you can display your work, share your interests and announce news. I don’t do paid advertising.

- I am approaching 80,000 visits on my blog and the more you blog about your subject and books, the more you rise in the Google search rankings and that helps cast a wide net to gather new readers.

- As you can see from this blog site, I post articles about ancient Egypt and about my books and I have a side bar featuring my books which takes the reader straight through to Amazon at a click.

-My books are available in Createspace paperback and in Amazon Kindle editions. However, while it is good to be able to offer the reader printed editions, I sell hundreds of ebooks to one paperback sale. I’m a convert who is rapidly leaving behind 'dead-tree technology'.

- I believe that another good way to sell your new book is to write another one. Keep them coming. Readers want an author and not just a book.

- Reviews from ordinary readers on sites like Amazon seem to impress book buyers as much as those from professional book reviewers.