Thursday, December 8, 2016
3 Book set - The Egyptian Mythology Murders Trilogy
3 Novels in One volume (Kindle and paperback)
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"EGYPT TRAP" "A mysterious psychological crime thriller... with echoes of 'Vertigo'." 5-stars Amazon
Keep an eye on a mysteriously obsessed young wife visiting the archaeology sites of Egypt? How hard could that be? A damaged ex-detective ...
Book New Releases Video - New Ancient Egypt mystery adventure offerings on Amazon by Roy Lester Pond
"Vengeance Awakened" An ancient avenger defends Egypt against The Hyksos invaders. (Amazon Kindle.)
Two different, Egypt inspired mystery adventures in one new edition. 1. VENGEANCE AWAKENED An ancient avenger defends Egypt against the H...
"Ancient Egyptian decorated tomb chapels were cheerful places for a family "picnic" with the dead. Imagine an archaeologist dropping in on one..."
[An archaeologist’s field blog] A picnic in a tomb? That’s what ancient Egyptian families did on feast days. Not so weird. Eating and drin...
"TIME-TORN IN EGYPT" 2 Great Egypt Mystery Adventures in 1. Ancient Egypt >archaeology >mythological romantasy >action reading adventure. Now on Amazon Kindle.
TIME-TORN Archaeologists in Egypt... 1. TEXT MESSAGES FROM ETERNITYedition Nefertiti, Akhenaten, the revenge of RA... 'a fast an...
'EGYPT DEMONS - mystery adventure on the shadow side of Egypt's ancient past.
"A very positive reader response on X (Twitter): "Egypt Demons" has all the makings of a thrilling blockbuster! A mix of myst...
THE MUMMIES ARE HERE : New World Premiere Egyptian Exhibition
Looking forward to a mummy fix visit tomorrow - last time I saw some of these guys was at the BM in London I do love an Egyptian Exhibit...
EAT LIKE AN EGYPTIAN, an ancient one. (Excerpt) “Death by Egyptology”, murder is academic in a college town.
(A male detective in a college town co-opts a female Egyptologist to help him solve a series of baffling Egyptological-themed murders. Tro...
"MOST READ" EGYPT TITLE. 3 Anson Hunter Archaeological Adventures in One.
THE FULL SERIES... ARCHAEOLOGICAL thrillers that penetrate the mysteries of ancient Egypt
The Mummy - with a difference. An Egypt novella by the author of The Smiting Texts
New, tender life emerging out of death. 'Green Osiris' The Curse of the Corn Mummy. A mysterious Osiris corn mummy is discove...