Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Anson Hunter, fiction's alternative Egyptologist, is a driven hero

Anson Hunter, fiction's alternative Egyptologist, is a driven hero

What drives alternative Egyptologist Anson Hunter to seek out hidden dangers from Egypt’s past?

Was it a desire to save the world? He recalled the same question being put to him by the Egyptian man and the antiquities girl. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll trigger an apocalypse?”
Was it simply a hunger to feel the crackle of the numinous, to find the great source of Egypt’s power heka? Heka was the magical power behind the civilization of Egypt, behind every idol, every execration text and smashed jar, every sweating wax effigy in the flame, every stabbed, trampled and spat upon image, every prayer to a god, every amulet and love spell.
He certainly did not want power for himself, only perhaps the power that could come from knowing that such power existed, because if that power existed and could be held in his hands, then so did another power.

He'd been a mild threat to Egyptology for years. Had they finally sent a hit squad?

THEY INTERCEPTED him as he came out of Baltimore-Washington Airport, two men wearing suits and an air of officialdom like a brisk cologne.
“Mr Anson Hunter, the British Egyptologist?”
Egyptologist? That sounded good. Very establishment. Anson stood a bit taller, which placed his beanstalk elevation a few inches above theirs. The man could have said independent, renegade Egyptologist and phenomenologist, lecturer at out-of-town halls and auditoriums, writer, blogger and alternative theorist as well as leader of occasional, fringe tour groups to Egypt. But instead the man had said ‘Egyptologist’.
“Who wants to know?”
“You are invited to Johns Hopkins University. They want to hear you speak.”
Anson goggled just a little. Johns Hopkins and Anson Hunter? His moment of elation quickly faded. They didn’t belong in the same sentence.
“A nice thought, gentlemen, but venerable institutions like Johns Hopkins don’t want people like me to speak. They would prefer us not to breathe.”
Anson had arrived to give a lecture on ancient Egyptian ritual smiting power and execration texts at a hired Masonic hall that evening.
He tried to move past, but the men blocked his way, smiling with steely politeness.
“Please come with us, Sir.”
“There must be some mistake.”
The spokesman frowned and reached inside his coat. Hell, Anson thought, what is this? Has mainstream Egyptology finally sent a hit squad? The hand came out of the coat. Anson resumed the business of breathing. The man flipped open a wallet, by way of introduction. Anson glimpsed a crest – an eagle inside a circle and the words:
U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
Also a name, Browning. He was a broad-faced man with steady eyes.
Why me?
Anson’s ex-wife May had always said that he had the burning eyes of fanatic. Had they picked him out as a likely threat to the US homeland? This Johns Hopkins stuff was just a cover for an arrest.
He suddenly felt very alien.
“I’ve been a mild threat to conventional Egyptology for years,” he said, “but I hardly rate as a security risk.”

Monday, January 29, 2018

Did her child have memories of ancient Egypt?

New issue on Amazon

A child obsessed with the ancient past, a young mother who discovers adventure…
“I remember Egypt,” Cooper said gravely. “Long, long ago.”
Her little boy was gorgeous, she thought, but his imagined past life could be a bit hard to take. Especially at 8.30 in the morning, when she was busy having a this-life crisis, running late for work and her eight-year old was about to miss his school bus.
Then young single-mother Catherine meets a past life researcher and also a mysterious Egyptologist Simon Priestly and she and Cooper are off to Egypt on an extraordinary quest to follow a young boy’s dreams… or are they actual memories of the ancient past?
What will they find and what will Catherine find as she warms to the impressive British Egyptologist as they uncover a shattering secret from Egypt’s past?
Disturbing and intriguing adventure fiction with a twist of the unknown.


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

How would you really feel - transported to the ancient Land of the Nile?

In spite of your day dreams and longing, the first thing that would strike you is a sense of profound deprivation, of being robbed of something that you always thought would be yours. 
Your own life and times. 
You don’t really want to be stuck in history. At least not permanently. 
Not in an age before antibiotics, anaesthesia, modern dentistry and the Internet. 
Your own age is the oxygen you breathe, it suddenly hits you, and without it you are  left gasping like a fish flapping on the Nile riverbank...

Let fiction get you there instead...

Take the journey with these 'time slip' titles:

Text Messages from Eternity

The Sarcophagus

Egypt Jump


Tuesday, January 23, 2018

What would Pharaoh Tutankhamun's golden treasures be worth today?

“What are King Tut’s golden treasures worth today?” a Today Show reporter asked. “Back in 2004, the conservative Swiss at their Museum of Ancient Art gave King Tut’s treasure a replacement value of three-quarters of a billion dollars. Yet the solid gold inner coffin alone weighed almost two hundred and fifty pounds. The golden death mask, in twenty-two carat gold, weighs over twenty-two pounds. The US has indemnified the exhibition contents for six hundred and fifty million dollars, the upper limit. But that’s laughably small when a single Da Vinci painting fetched four hundred and fifty million at a recent auction in New York, purchased by a Middle Eastern buyer.
And then there’s the sublime artistry of the works. Back in 1923 they put a combined value of fifteen million on the contents of the tomb, a massive amount at the time. A mathematician at Johns Hopkins University recently calculated that if this amount had been invested at a secure six percent rate of return when the king died three thousand, four hundred years ago it would amount to a number we can’t actually express today and would look like this...” They flashed up a graphic.

Value today:

$14,288, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000, 000.

"In other words, all the wealth in the world. And that about sums it up. King Tut’s golden treasures are worth the world. Irreplaceable. Yet now, sensationally, they’re misplaced... so where are they right now?”

(Excerpt) NEW Egypt adventure, crime, mystery fiction by Roy Lester Pond 

'THE BLOCKBUSTER PLOT' appears in my Egypt crime collection of fiction


Monday, January 22, 2018

THE ULTIMATE ESCAPE... from apocalypse...

(In a departure from my ancient Egypt fiction... the mysterious island continent of Australia...)

THE HERO VIRUS (Amazon Kindle and paperback)

Fear spreads like a disease, but what if heroism swept the population like a contagious virus that eliminated caution, the basic survival switch in the amygdala of the brain?
The contagion began with the arrival of meteorites that flashed down around the globe, spreading clouds of dust and a mysterious agent.

Those infected rise up and challenge the law and the system. They run suicide gauntlets across busy highways, stand high on ledges and tops of buildings, front enemies they once feared, spark reprisals, conflict and bloodshed in the streets - and raise the threat of reckless wars between nations.

One man – a rarity – is unaffected. He is a frightened man, an anxiety sufferer and returned Afghanistan war hero recovering from serious post traumatic stress syndrome. He decides to flee crazy civilization in an RV motorhome, along with his wife and children, and journey across the rugged wilderness of Australia to find a safe haven - a sanctuary, where people shelter in dug out dwellings beneath the ground. He keeps a secret Treatment Journal and photos of how he is traveling with his condition.

Can a frightened former hero save his loved ones in a world where the brave end up dead? And will the world find an answer to the ‘hero virus’ from space?

2 NOVELS IN A DIFFERENT MYSTERIOUS SETTING... 'The Hero Virus' and 'The Poisoned Well'


Beneath the most parched continent on earth, Australia, lies a great freshwater ocean bigger than South Africa or Iran.

But it becomes a poisoned well for one family when a high-powered and ruthless overseas company plans to build a nuclear waste dump on their property and tempts them with an offer of money they desperately need.

Can a rebellious daughter and her mysterious new allies prevent a disaster?

And what is the deep secret from long ago that poisoned the family well? 

Amazon Kindle

LARGEST EGYPT fiction range under the sun - adventure, mystery, suspense, fantasy...

The Smiting Texts
Hathor's Holocaust
The Ibis Apocalypse
Hidden Egypt - The Night of Anubis 
Egypt Eyes
The Forbidden Glyphs 
The God Dig 
The Girl and the God Dog
Death Liver from Egypt

The Egyptian Mythology Murders 
The Obelisk Prophecy
The Egyptian Crocodile Curse 

 The Ra Virus Text Messages from Eternity
The Sarcophagus
Dynasty Zero
Egypt Trap
Ancient Visitors The Egypt Enigma
I, The Mummy
Hunting Hathor
The Cleopatra Tomb Murders
One Day I'll Tell You Something
Murder by Egyptology collection
AI-SIS TheArtificial Intelligence Egypt Mystery

For young readers

The Mummy Monster Game 3 Books in One

The  Princess Who Lost Her Scroll of the Dead

Tomb Travellers

And selected paperback

Friday, January 19, 2018

'Bingeable' Glyphs. Have pictures killed written story after 3,000 years?

'Bingeable' glyphs

A picture is worth a hundred thousand words.

An ironic reflection for a writer of ancient Egypt fiction, but has story telling gone back to glyphs, or at least pictures?

Pictures of the moving kind, instantly available and 'bingeable' on your iPad or iPhone through a cheap subscription. (Think Netflix.)

Are we now living in a pictures-for-words era?

Sad to think, when running the written words of a story through the magical lens of our own imagination refracts so richly and deeply within us, touching our dreams, experiences and even personal identity.

Will we tire of passive pleasure, or prefer drowning in a pool where we used to swim?

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Tutankhamun's golden treasures stolen... what is the mastermind's bizarre demand?

"A GOLDEN TARGET'... by Roy Lester Pond, a timely new story as Tutankhamun's golden treasures arrive in America..."

Available at Amazon Kindle 


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

NEW ancient Egypt. The shock of the ancient...

Forbidden glyphs, dangerous smiting texts, god digs, Egypt traps, hidden dangers, time traps, mythological mystery, conspiracies that take their impetus from ancient Egypt... and the startling revelations of archaeology.

An invitation to experience the shock of the ancient in the latest Roy Lester Pond fiction collection on Amazon (Kindle and paperback)

Sunday, January 7, 2018

A New Year reflection... the past is never dead, not even the ancient past...

We make a mistake to bury it

For me as a writer of ancient Egypt-based fiction, the past is not dead, not settled dust. 
It’s always changing, doing things.

My view of it keeps changing. It changes my view of now, and it will change my view of tomorrow.

The past is the body of the wave that carries me forward, while the future is just the empty space waiting to receive it, theoretical potentiality, inert, and, in a sense, dead.

The past has a way of doing things that nobody can guess. 
We make a mistake to bury it.