Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Anson Hunter, fiction's alternative Egyptologist, is a driven hero

Anson Hunter, fiction's alternative Egyptologist, is a driven hero

What drives alternative Egyptologist Anson Hunter to seek out hidden dangers from Egypt’s past?

Was it a desire to save the world? He recalled the same question being put to him by the Egyptian man and the antiquities girl. “Aren’t you afraid you’ll trigger an apocalypse?”
Was it simply a hunger to feel the crackle of the numinous, to find the great source of Egypt’s power heka? Heka was the magical power behind the civilization of Egypt, behind every idol, every execration text and smashed jar, every sweating wax effigy in the flame, every stabbed, trampled and spat upon image, every prayer to a god, every amulet and love spell.
He certainly did not want power for himself, only perhaps the power that could come from knowing that such power existed, because if that power existed and could be held in his hands, then so did another power.