Friday, June 21, 2019

Bringing "ancient Egypt [and ancient Egyptians]... compellingly to life..." In fiction

There can be no greater praise for a writer who specializes in ancient Egypt fiction than: "Roy Lester Pond brings ancient Egypt compellingly to life." (Review: 'The Smiting Texts', The Truth About Books). 

This is perhaps even more satisfying when the story literally sets out to bring an ancient Egyptian (mummy) to life as in 'THE EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY MURDERS' about the return of an ancient cycle of love and murder in modern day London.
"5-stars"  "Love this genre"... Amazon...
Paperback and Kindle

I followed this mystery mummy genre novel with one set in ancient times, 'I, THE MUMMY' a high-adventure novel about an ancient avenger who rose - from the tomb - to defend Egypt against invaders (The Hyksos).

And going back even further, I wrote a series for young readers that seemed to have come to life, and enjoyed a rather permanent life in the imaginations of younger readers, in 'THE MUMMY MONSTER GAME' series, as Roy Pond. ('Published as The Mummy's Revenge' Scholastic, USA).
To bring ancient Egypt compellingly to life in your life, discover a whole library waiting for you to read on AMAZON (Kindle and paperback).