Sunday, October 1, 2023

"Take ancient Egypt out of the Bible and you’ll be left with a novella,” one of my novel's characters says. "Slight exaggeration, but...”

FACT: In Scripture, Ancient Egypt (Mitsrayim) is said to be mentioned more than 740 times in the Old Testament (Adamo 2005:26-36). In the Pentateuch, references to the words Egypt and Egyptians occur more than 288 times. Egypt and Egyptians appear about 152 times in the book of the Twelve
(excerpt from “AMULET EYE OF GOD” “Christianity and the mythology of ancient Egypt are almost inextricable and managed to co-exist quite well,” the Egyptologist said. “Early Christians in Egypt were happy to associate the images of pagan Isis holding baby Horus with Mary holding baby Jesus and they happily colonised pagan temples as we see all over Egypt. In particular at Philae temple at Aswan where our cruise ends. We see numerous signs of the temple of Isis being turned into places of Christian worship and sadly defaced.” “True, and as a character notes in one of my books, if you take every mention of ancient Egypt out of the Bible you’ll be left with a novella.” “A slight exaggeration, but a point well made.”
Roy Lester Pond's Egypt is on Amazon

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