Saturday, December 23, 2023

God, AI and mythology.

7.8 billion of us see different images of the world. Whether it’s clouds forming in the sky, waves curling on a beach, or trees crowding in a forest. Wasted spectacle? Maybe not. Maybe something, a Creator, is ‘image scraping’ all of our retinas, just as AI algorithms do, collecting countless human made, and even animal made images in order to enhance and fully form a consciousness of creation.
Ironic how a technical break-through like AI CHATGPT can strangely advance the possibility of a God. “How can one god (or even ancient Egypt’s pantheon) answer at the same time to millions of people?" CHAT GPT is not doing a bad job of doing exactly that right now. - “How can creation come into existence simply from the Word - verbal prompts of an entity?" (In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God) DALLE-2 Program and Mid-journey aren’t doing too badly at giving visible realization to the prompts of a few words. Maybe we should stop thinking about religion in a limited "analog" way and open ourselves to bigger, hitherto unimagined possibilities.

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