Sunday, February 18, 2024

The mysterious and dizzying symmetries of ancient Egypt.

Maybe symmetry is the language of the divine to humankind. The striking symmetry of the Nile Delta with the ancient Egyptian symbol of the opening lotus or Egyptian waterlily is possibly the most quintessential motif in ancient Egyptian design. Ancient Egypt presents us with mysterious and dizzying symmetries, such as we find in the great pyramid’s precise alignments and structure. In Egypt’s symmetrical hieroglyphs, cosmic, funerary, ceremonial and artistic symmetry – even its agricultural symmetry with the annual flooding of the Nile. These mysterious symmetrical elements in ancient Egyptian culture not only reflected their aesthetic sensibilities but also conveyed deeper philosophical, religious, and cosmological beliefs that were foundational to their civilization.
Discover more of the mysterious symmetry of ancient Egypt in these ancient-Egypt inspired fiction titles:

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