Wednesday, March 6, 2024

"THE PRINCESS Who LOST Her SCROLL of The Dead" by Roy Pond, Amazon Kindle edition... and other highly rated young ancient Egypt adventure fiction by Roy Pond

"One terrific story..." -- N. Ignatowicz, Editor-at-Large, Children's Books, New York. "Great Egyptian imagery"- Goodreads reader --This text refers to an alternate kindle_edition edition.
Two Egypt Adventure Fantasy Titles in One. With educational ancient Egyptian images. 1. The Princess Who Lost Her Scroll of The Dead. Her magical guide to the scary maze of gateways and passwords has been swapped for a blank scroll by a greedy royal scribe... How can Nefera find her way through the dangerous gateways and guardians of the Egyptian underworld without her magical spells - her passport to the world beyond? And who is the boy tomb robber Ipy, sharing her journey? Is he alive, or dead? Can he help save her? 2. MUSEUM GHOSTS What happens when the museum keeper's daughter secretly takes an Egyptian doll named Tiye from its glass case? Karoy and his companions - a squad of Egyptian wooden soldiers created to protect a tomb owner - arise to rescue Tiye from the dangerous outside world...
Author Roy Lester Pond writes young-ancient-Egypt fiction as ROY POND
New edition launching
MUMMIES, MUMMIES, MUMMIES! A fun, fantasy Egypt adventure perfect for young readers. When Harley, the Egypt-mad young schoolboy, discovers a forbidden Ancient Egyptian ‘scroll of power’ hidden on the internet, he plans to reveal it as a display for his class Egypt Day celebrations. With a fatal double-click of the computer mouse, Harley accidentally lets loose the plagues of Egypt on his school, the same plagues that Moses brought down on pharaoh - a river of blood, invasions of frogs and locusts and the threat of worse to come... . It’s a magical fantasy about a boy called Harley and a group of his school friends who, through the agency of a mysterious Internet site, find themselves trapped in the Animal Mummy Kingdom of Egypt. It combines children’s love of animal creatures and mummies, with magic, mystery and humour. (The author piloted this idea (as 'Harley's really scary Egypt Project') on the Internet some years ago, placing the first few chapters free on his author’s website and received strong interest, from children and school teachers across the US.)

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