Monday, October 15, 2018
Was magic (heka) the power behind the civilisation of ancient Egypt?
What if words from Egypt's ancient past could kill… and nobody listened to a renegade archaeologist's warning....
Could the power of ancient evil ‘smite’ across time?
Meet the archaeologist adventurer Anson Hunter in the first in an archaeology thriller series, followed by The Hathor Holocaust, The Ibis Apocalypse, The Anubis Intervention, Egypt Eyes, The Forbidden Glyphs and The God Dig.
Anson's special knowledge as an alternative Egyptologist and theorist may be the key to stopping a catastrophe.
HARLEY'S EGYPT Computer Project: A "scroll" on the internet for a school project could turn scary! Kindle Edition by Roy Pon...
Keep an eye on a mysteriously obsessed young wife visiting the archaeology sites of Egypt? How hard could that be? A damaged ex-detective...
Most of ancient Egypt is still undiscovered, with less than 1% excavated. The pyramids, sphinx, colossi and temples, for all their scale...
1. The Princess Who Lost Her Scroll of The Dead. Her magical guide to the scary maze of gateways and passwords has been swapped for a blan...
THE FULL SERIES... ARCHAEOLOGICAL thrillers that penetrate the mysteries of ancient Egypt
The Egypt of mystery adventure, hidden dangers and conspiracies that take their impetus from Egypt’s ancient past? The Egypt of murder...