Thursday, December 2, 2021

“Ancient Egypt is my fiction GATEWAY TO GREATER MYSTERY - stealing past ‘WATCHFUL DRAGONS’”

“For me, ancient Egypt is my GATEWAY to READER-BELIEF in MYSTERY - stealing past ‘WATCHFUL DRAGONS’” Fantasy author C.S. Lewis coined the phrase “watchful dragons” when describing the power of story to reach the hearts and minds of readers with ideas they might not consider. He, like Tolkien, chose fantasy literature. For me, ancient Egypt is the gateway to that realm of enthralling, greater mystery - through my collection of Egypt-based archaeology and adventure titles.
The most safisfying comment I ever received from a reader? “I loved the deep thinking that this book inspires. I loved the world that you tapped into, taking the ancient Egyptian underworld and making it so real. I just loved the way the quest made the hero change as a person, how it made him think differently, understand who he truly trusts and loves, and what he ultimately becomes in the end. I seriously love this book. I really love how he was torn between two loves and finds out who really cares for him. Your books are awesome. Thank you so much for your writing. They have become some of my most treasured books.” Enter at Amazon (Kindle and paperback).

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