Thursday, April 4, 2013

Enter the mysterious recesses of ancient Egypt's sanctuaries in this fiction adventure series

Lioness goddess Hathor-Sekhmet in a hidden sanctuary

Fiction's archaeologist Anson Hunter theorizes:

Could the tomb of Sekhmet, of a neter, or divine one, actually exist, the remains of a goddess who once lived and died? 
We tend to think of a deity as someone immortal, existing outside of space and time, but the Egyptians believed that a divine race called the Neteru once ruled Egypt in an early epoch before the pharaohs. The Turin papyrus lists their life spans in hundred or sometimes thousands of years. All things die, the Egyptians believed - every man, every woman, every god, every goddess, every animal. Only the High God lived forever.
There is evidence that the sanctuary of Sekhmet may have been breached at other times of calamity in Egypt’s past, including the three chaotic periods known as the Intermediate Periods – hundreds of years of devastation, drought, famine, scorching sun and pestilence that spread beyond Egypt to the known world...

Except from The Anson Hunter series 
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