Thursday, November 28, 2019

This Christmas:"Grab some fast-moving Egypt fiction, compellingly brought to life!"

This Christmas holiday season, grab some ancient Egypt adventure and mystery - for your Kindle, laptop, iPad, Smart Phone.

(Or choose an Amazon paperback.)

Discover the 9-book Egypt adventure thriller series, featuring the alternative Egyptologist Anson Hunter:-

The Smiting Texts

Hathor's Holocaust
The Ibis Apocalypse
Hidden Egypt - The Night of Anubis
Egypt Eyes
The Forbidden Glyphs
The God Dig

Death LIVE from Egypt

Egypt fiction titles with a twist of the unknown:
The Egyptian Mythology Murders, The Obelisk Prophecy, The Egyptian Crocodile Curse (Trilogy).

And a range of stand alone Egypt titles from Roy Lester Pond.

Amazon Kindle and paperback